Livro das Sombras - Dark Star (Book of Shadows)
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Este é o Livro das Sombras Dark Star, todo preto, não envelheci as capas porque esse preto é bem bonito, mas envelheci todas as folhas que ficaram com aquelas lindas manchas típicas do envelhecimento!
This is the Book of Shadows "Dark Star', all black, I have not aged the black covers because this is a very beautiful black but I've aged all the sheets that became with those beautiful spots, typical of aging!
A capa tem um Pentagrama com uma pedra semi preciosa no centro.
The cover has a Pentagram with a semi precious stone in the center.
Mede 25,5cm x 21cm com 4,5cm de espessura na lombada e pesa 1,1kg.
It measures 25.5cm x 21cm with 4.5cm thick at the spine and weighs 1.1 kg.
Folha de guarda em papel antigo, azulado.
Flyleaf in antique, blue paper.
São 120 folhas (240 páginas) envelhecidas de papel offset 120g/m².
There are 120 aged sheets (240 pages) of offset paper 120g / m².
Marcador de páginas em rabicho preto e capa de trás toda preta.
Bookmark in black tail and back cover all black.
Ficou muito bonito, charmoso, misterioso.....
It is very beautiful, charming, mysterious .....
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Beijos e boa semana!
Want to see this and more books? Visit the Studio Brigit's store.
xox and have a good week!
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