Carimbos #1 (Stamps #1) - VIDEO


Quem não gosta de carimbos?! Eu adoro, sempre gostei desde criança!

Você sabe quais os tipos de carimbos que existem no mercado?

Qual é o melhor? Qual deles escolher na hora de comprar?

Na dúvida vamos comprar todos! 

Estas e outras dúvidas explicadas neste vídeo, que é a Parte 1 de 2 vídeos.


Who does not like stamps ?! I love, I  like them since I  was a child!

Do you know what types of stamps are there in the market?

Which is better? Which one to choose when buying?

In doubt we buy them all!

These and other questions explained in this video, which is Part 1 of 2 videos. The video is in Portuguese, my apologies about that, but there are excellent videos about the subject on YouTube, and they are in English. Tha's why I don not translate my videos, because you guys have all of them in English.

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